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Studio107 – Telling Your Story – An interview with Simon Brooks

By July 2, 2019Blog, News

Do you need help and support when it comes to increasing your multimedia presence but don’t know where to begin? This week we caught up with Simon Brooks, owner of Studio107, who provide a range of filming, media and event services across the local church circuit.


Tell us a bit about who you are and your background?
I’m 48, and have lived in Kidsgrove all of my life. I’m a local lad. I’ve been a Christian for approximately 34 years and have been heavily involved in church life for most of my life.  I got married 3 years ago to the most amazing person I have ever met, Nadine. We have a beautiful 2 year old son and a gorgeous 17 year old daughter. We worship at Lifestream Church in Biddulph and have done for the last 10 months after we felt God calling us out of our previous church.

How long have you been working in film / media?
I’ve been involved in film and media for about 10 years or so, providing camera and media capabilities to the churches I have attended. This has ranged from videos to illustrate sermons / talks to full event videos and also to training others on camera and media in church. I’ve also spent the last 3 years as part of my last job doing corporate video production.

What inspired you to start Studio107?
Film and media is something that has been a passion of mine for a long while. I’ve wanted to start my own business for years and never had the opportunity. It’s something I have been praying about for a while now and when, sadly, I was made redundant from my last job both my wife and myself prayed about this and we both felt that God was saying that now was the right time to do it. So here we go!

My passion is to help to resource Gods church. This means that I want to help churches to get the best out of media. I believe that this is a crucial area for churches. They need to get the gospel out there. Social media is huge right now and the most effective way to communicate is through video. Most churches don’t do this, or at least don’t do it effectively. This needs to change.

Who are your audience and what services do you offer?
Studio107 specialises in serving churches, but we also provide the same services to businesses. We believe in stories. Stories engage people. Stories inspire people. Our services help you to tell your story, be it the gospel or promoting your business.

We can offer numerous different services including events coverage, training, and media production. We can either do it all for you or we can show you how to create effective videos for yourself.

Our services not only include basic filming but also motion graphics so you can make sure that your content looks as amazing as possible. From one-off short videos to a series of TV shows, we can help you to tell your story.

For anybody wanting to get in touch with you how can they do so?
Simply visit our website at and fill in the contact form or call me on 07453 373561 or email me at