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Saltbox was established in 1983 by a small group of like-minded Christians who had a heart for a work which would promote Christian values and faith, and also unite individual churches. Initially financing the work from their own resources, they found premises in Burslem, the mother-town of what is known internationally as the Potteries, eventually relocating to a new office in the city centre in 2004.

And so the vision became a reality, and now the reality is bearing much fruit.

Saltbox’s spiritual development work, MISSION, is actively involved in organising prayer, renewal and outreach initiatives, and is concerned to see people come to a real and personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as both Saviour and Lord. It also seeks to encourage greater discipleship within the wider Body of Christ and to motivate churches to take up the challenge of being ͞”salt and light” in their communities.

Increasingly Saltbox is now invited to represent faith communities by various secular bodies and partnerships both at a local and regional level. Saltbox is seen by many partners as a key specialist infrastructure organisation.

By playing a key part in organising conferences and concerts, celebrations and prayer events, Saltbox has become a focus for much Christian activity in the region It has also become a hub for information on what is taking place locally, regionally and nationally.

The whole ministry is overseen by Saltbox staff and trustees, who blend vision, spirituality and common sense in developing the work.


1987: North Staffs Christian Praise March – helped to organise the event bringing Christians from the area together for united witness and worship.

1988: Mission 88 with Colin Urquhart – a night of evangelism and teaching.

1990: Christmas Unwrapped – city centre carol service with Eric Delve, held in the Potteries Shopping Centre.

1992: Held a city-wide General Election Forum, giving local people the opportunity to engage with, and ask questions of, constituency candidates for the area.

1993: The Screwtape Letters with Saltmine Theatre Company – a theatrical adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ classic book.

1994: No Trick or Treat campaign to help minimise crime and violence at Halloween.

1995: Canon and Ball Gospel Show – a fun evening with the famous comedians

1995: Praise Concerts – an evenings of united worship with Noel Richards, Chris Bowater and Ian White

1996: Wednesday Night Celebrations – a number of evenings bringing Christians together for worship and teaching

1999: Starchaser Exhibition at Alton Towers – an evangelistic project based in the old chapel at Alton Towers.

2000: Millennium Stadium Celebration – assisted with this afternoon of worship and teaching at Vale Park Stadium.

2000: Millennium Prayer Rota – encouraging Christians in the area to pray throughout the year of the Millennium.

2001: 2C7 Prayer Journey – facilitated a city-wide prayer gathering that led to a seven-year journey of united prayer for the city and the nation.

2004: Faith Action Audit – conducted the first FAA Stoke-on-Trent to research community activities run by faith groups.

2007: Connecting the Connectors Conference – the first of these events bringing together Christian leaders from across the nation for prayer and relationship building.

2008: Desmond Tutu visit – gathered faith and city leaders together for a visit from Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

2010: John Sentamu visit – facilitated a visit from Archbishop John Sentamu to celebrate 100 years of the federation of Stoke-on-Trent.

2012: National Day of Prayer at Wembley Stadium – supported the national event bringing Christians together for united prayer and worship.

2014: worked alongside the Cinnamon Network to roll out Faith Action Audits nationally.

2016/17: Saltbox’s model for Civic Prayer Breakfasts was used in over 50 towns and cities as a guide of good practice.


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