Why do we at Saltbox do what we do?
Most people would agree that humanity’s ultimate aim is to have a society that works for everybody, where everybody has a place, feels valued and, more importantly, safe. For us to achieve that, we need to recognise that we’re all in this together. That any society is only as successful as its poorest member.
As individuals, we might feel that society’s problems are too big for us to be able to have any impact on. But it’s the small kindnesses – donations of time and money and especially care – that make a lot of the good work that happens in our communities possible.
In England and Wales alone in 2016, there were over 167,000 registered charities, many of them small local causes, which contributed more than £73bn* to society. Much of that will be made up of the hard-earned £5 donated out of a pension, £2 from a struggling single parent or 20p from pocket money. We can’t all give huge amounts, but we can all give and, if we do it in unison, we can create a groundswell of support that can be an amazing force for good.
Of all money raised, by charities, around 23% can be attributed to faith-based organisations.** You don’t need to look too far for evidence of this: walk into any place of worship or associated community space and you will see notice boards brimming with appeals for volunteers and details of fundraising drives alongside advertising groups and activities for all sections of society from tiny tots to the elderly. This is because people of diverse faiths share a common outlook when it comes to each individual’s role in caring for their fellow man; God has given to us freely, and out of response to his kindness, we too must give.
Even if we don’t always achieve 100% true altruism, the human imperative to give is still strong if for no other reason than it makes us feel good. That moment when we see a loved one’s thrilled reaction to a gift and we know that we got it totally right is often far better than when we open our own. And psychologists agree: giving makes us truly happy.***
What, then, is the answer to the question ‘WHy do we do what we do?’ The answer is because it’s good for the self, it’s good for the soul and it’s good for society!
One of the ways in which we want to give back to the community that helps us to support others is by being a real source of help. Our aim is to share information on events, services, faith groups, community groups, helplines and funding that will benefit those around us. Check out our Community Directory to see information relating to older people’s activities, drop-in centres and church services where you are. We hope you find it useful.
If you have a one-off or regular event that you’d like us to advertise, have vacancies or volunteer posts to fill that you need publicity for, please get in touch on marcomms@saltbox.org.uk. If you share content on social media, you can tag us on both Facebook and Twitter using @SaltboxCentre.
* www.thirdsector.co.uk/total-income-registered-charities-record-high-731bn/governance/article/1427014
** www.thinknpc.org/publications/what-a-difference-faith-makes/
*** www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-social-self/201012/giving-really-is-better-receiving